Puck & One Eyed Jack
Sandhill Cranes

Puck & One Eyed Jack…
One Eyed Jack hatched 05.30.1992, a female
Puck hatched 06.04.1998, a female
Among the oldest species of bird, with fossils dating back two million years
Wingspan of 6-7 feet, stands over 3 feet tall
Can fly as far as 400 miles in one day during migration (migration route is from Mexico to Siberia)
Dance during courtship
At least 18 different vocalizations, calls can be heard up to 2.5 miles away
Generally lay 2 eggs, 30 days to hatch
Can live 20-40 years
Can be found throughout prairies, marshes, fields and bogs all across North America
Monogamous, our girls are a bonded pair
Puck is active, vocal, and loves to chase her keepers, she protects Jack from all perceived threats
Jack is lowkey, laid back, and loves to spend time in her pond