Nipper & Tripper
Fennec Foxes

Nipper and Tripper…
Brothers, born 5.14.2016
Also known as a "desert fox"
Smallest fox in the world, weighing between 2-4 lbs
Nocturnal to avoid the daytime heat of the desert
Live in North Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas
Omnivore (eats bugs, lizards, birds, eggs and also plant materials)
Thick fur coats to insulate them against the cold desert nights
Can jump 3 feet from a standing position
Live in groups of up to 10
Mark their territory with urine
Very large ears compared to body size, use these to regulate their temperature
Those ears can also detect the sounds of prey underneath the sand!
Can live up to 11 years
Nipper is our extrovert fox; loves his keepers, loves to play, favorite enrichment toy is his snuffle mat
Tripper is our introvert fox; prefers to remain in the background, scared of thunder, favorite enrichment activity is a forage pile
Both foxes are easy to train, they have learned how to scratch on sandpaper to keep their nails trimmed