Potato Greg “PG

African Crested Porcupine

Potato Greg…

  • Was born here at our zoo in 2018 to parents Stanley and Miss PrissStella (who have since moved on to a bigger zoo)

  • PG stands for Potato Greg

  • Favorite foods include: yucca, sweet potato, broccoli, corn on the cob, and spaghetti squash

  • Loves to dig holes and move things around his exhibit

  • Follows his keeper during morning chores

  • Enjoys belly rubs 

  • Likes to nibble on boots

  • PG is scale trained and target trained

  • Porcupines cannot shoot their quills; rather, they forcefully back into their potential predators

  • Wild porcupines travel 9 miles each night in search of food

  • Live about 20 years

  • Weigh 25-70 lbs, largest porcupine in the world

  • Longest quills are 12-13 inches long and are NOT hollow

  • Will collect and chew bones to keep their teeth trimmed (teeth keep growing throughout their lives)

  • Considered a pest animal in Africa because they destroy cultivated crops

  • Typically live in hilly, rocky habitats of North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and even Italy