Potato Greg “PG
African Crested Porcupine
Potato Greg…
Was born here at our zoo in 2018 to parents Stanley and Miss PrissStella (who have since moved on to a bigger zoo)
PG stands for Potato Greg
Favorite foods include: yucca, sweet potato, broccoli, corn on the cob, and spaghetti squash
Loves to dig holes and move things around his exhibit
Follows his keeper during morning chores
Enjoys belly rubs
Likes to nibble on boots
PG is scale trained and target trained
Porcupines cannot shoot their quills; rather, they forcefully back into their potential predators
Wild porcupines travel 9 miles each night in search of food
Live about 20 years
Weigh 25-70 lbs, largest porcupine in the world
Longest quills are 12-13 inches long and are NOT hollow
Will collect and chew bones to keep their teeth trimmed (teeth keep growing throughout their lives)
Considered a pest animal in Africa because they destroy cultivated crops
Typically live in hilly, rocky habitats of North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and even Italy